Official Newsletter of the Texas DX Society
an ARRL Affiliated Club

  • Several Newsletters are not available here on "THE BULL SHEET INDEX". If you have any Newsletter that is not available here, then please send that to the webmaster for posting on the TDXS website.
  • Some of the 1995 issues are in HTML format since originals were not available for scanning. Scanned pdf pages have been optimized for faster web viewing and download. If you need a higher resolution copy for better print quality, contact the TDXS Secretary. PDF files made from scanned documents are not word searchable.
  • Some 1982 issues were incorrectly labeled with the wrong month. The Newsletters listings below for 1982 should be correct. Please notify the Webmaster otherwise.
  • Before 1976, the TDXS Secretary sent out monthly postcards or letters announcing the meeting location, time and date.